See details of 1200TC Tracked Cone Crusher here:
1200TC Cone Crusher working as the final link in a crushing circuit, being fed by a Jaw at 150mm and discharging into a Cone set at 40mm.
- Kilsaran Quarry, Brittas, Co Dublin, Ireland
- Feed Type: Primary Blasted Rock
- Abrasiveness: High
- Max Feed size of 250mm (10”)
- 1200mm (47”) wide cone crusher unit with hydraulic closed side setting
- Metal detection system on feed belt to protect from uncrushables
- 440Hp (328Kw) Caterpillar 6 Cylinder engine
- Fast on Site setup Time & Easy Transportation
BENEFITS OF USING 1200TC Cone Crusher:
Overall the operators are delighted with this machine and how it is performing, stating that previous cones from different manufactures would not have functioned on this application as they would either dump or not produce the TPH. They are also extremely happy with the consistent quality of the product produced. Below shows the data being produced from this machine on site:
- Currently the 1200TC is producing 210TPH
- Crushing Pressure: 40 bar average
- Close Side Setting: 25mm opening to 30mm
- Height Sensor Reading: 792mm
- Wear Remaining after Calibration: 93mm
The customer also tried the 1200TC on 20mm chips product and closed the CCS to 15mm and was delighted with the performance as the machine was still producing in excess of 200TPH!
Engineered For Power. Built To Last.